Thursday, March 7, 2013

Start of Pixel Art

(I know reading is boring, there isn't much in this blog. It's mainly pictures. Reading is not recommended if you don't like it, just look at the pictures and have fun.)

My name is Wesley, I'm 15 years old and I am going to start making pixel art. What inspired me to start this was watching a professional make characters for a game. I watched how he drew his shapes, shading, and color. I decided to try to make some of my own and a few of those results are the first 3 pictures on here. This is my first blog, so I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly. I am doing this for a contest so during April 22 and April 26 (2013). If you feel like I deserve an I-Pad mini, vote for me here!

          The software I am using is called Paintbrush and can be downloaded at and is for mac only. It was made because Windows comes with an application called Paint, but the mac osx doesn't.

(What is a pixel? What is pixel art?)
          Pixels are the small square dots that make up pictures. Every picture you see on your computer has pixels. You just don't notice them because there are so many of them you don't see every individual dot. You've probably seen pixels from old fashioned arcade games such as Mario, Pac Man or Tetris. Pixel art is where you use those pixels to create pictures or sprites (characters/objects used in a video game). These pictures are usually under 100x100 pixels. Normal pictures are usually 256x256 to 2560x1200. On this blog you will read about me starting pixel art and seeing my creations.

All of my creations are original. I didn't copy and paste any pictures from the internet, these were all made using Paintbrush. The outcome of these drawings are completely random meaning when you start you don't even know what you're going to end with.

These 3 were my first drawings, they were very simple to make.

After a while, I thought "what could i do better?" I had some cool ideas. An explosion, a robot with a background, and my guinea pig. These are the results: 

       I decided to make the Wendy's logo because I really like Wendy's.
I don't feel like I'm the greatest with working with human figures, this isn't the first time i've done a human. Heres another human figure I've worked on for 3 days with a lot of criticism and advice:

This one was an accident. I just started drawing a smiley face and some how it started looking evil.

This one I would like to give credit to my friend Alan for the amazing idea of making a sloth. I used a lot of shading to make it seem a little bit more like a sloth. Shading is the best effect possible in pixel art.

I drew another random smiley face that looked more derp. I decided to add color, shading, and a cigarette (because I thought it would make the drawing look funnier). Do not smoke kids. It is not cool.

After a while I realized most of my creations are very similar. So I tried something new.
The creepy purple creature. Instead of darkening shading I used brightening shading to make it look like a face creeping out of the dark. 

This one I made with the random thought of bunnies in my mind. It ended up being a magic bunny exiting a magic hat.

Because everything seemed so similar, I am still working on making things a little bit different. I made a scene, and drew my name in a cool way.

The part where I drew my name was 256x256 pixels, so I had to use a bigger "brush". The thing about this one is you don't need any pixel art experience to make it.

This is what I feel like dubstep looks like.
Just a little green body with a mouth, a hat, and two feet with a crazy background

Every childhood......

A very detailed (for a pixelated) pokéball

Now, my Cyclops ghost, and an amazing version of Elvis Presley
The bottom part of the cyclops ghost makes it look like it is fading away but doesn't look like it because the black outlining. The Elvis one was completely random. I have no idea how I come up with this stuff. This next picture will show how I feel about the results of these pictures.

This one was another product of a random shape, and is a gif. To make it a gif I went to, chose the pictures I wanted to put on it in the order I wanted it in, chose the speed and size, and it makes it a gif.
This are panda.

I am going to try to start making animations. To practice, I'll just start off with a simple stick-man dribbling a basket ball.

As my first animation, I think this one looks pretty nice. I'm going to take some of the first pieces I made look like they are moving with gifs.

Here are some of my first creations looking like they're moving. You'll notice a few you haven't seen before but it's because I didn't post them yet.

Exploding Turtle

Bouncing Hippy
Moving ghost that doesn't float

Walking Robot

Jeffy the Guinea Pig (actually looks like my Guinea Pig)
Swimming Bird
Gifs sometimes make some frames go faster then the other on here so you may not see too many of them. What I will keep doing: Making inanimate pixel art. What I will change: Making them bigger and a bit more complex (maybe using a 100x100 canvas)

Here is a 100x100 picture of a man wearing a tux.

Haven't posted for a while because I've been working on a sprite sheet but here is a character that may be on bombermine! ( Check it out it's a pretty cool game! 

If you like my stuff... then please feel free to
(Voting is from April 22-26 2013)
Only vote for me if you like my stuff. I'm learning how to make things more "complex" with more pixels, and I think I will start trying to make objects.

I saw some shading examples on 3D cubes and how it looks when it's zoomed in and out so I tried to see if I could make anything like it.

Zoomed in it seems very pixelated, but zoomed out it looks like there is actual shading.

I decided to make up things as if I were making a game. This game is called: Where's Waldo RPG. This is where Waldo kills anybody who sees him so nobody could say they found waldo.

The first things I made are the weapons. 

These were made in 32x32. Zoomed out the look a bit more detailed.

Here is what would be the character of the game

and what he would look like zoomed out

I learned not to outline everything with black when you're trying to make sprites for a game.

Here they are with the weapons. Turns out, the weapons were pretty big...

and zoomed out...

In this "game", waldo has to fight spies so there will be nobody who could say they found Waldo.

This is what the ground would look like.

(this isn't for the game)
This is a logo I made for my friend because he wanted one for making dubstep.
He is known as ReQaDee. Listen to his music (he is new to his channel)

I am now actually working on a project for a game. I will share some of the things I make.

Here are laser.
(I just did an grammar)

This is the main character. He is a head with no legs, body, neck, arms, but just feet.

These are some monsters he will have to defeat.

This is the map for the game. The main character runs across each layer killing enemies, ascending by going through portals. (It goes on a lot longer, I took a picture of each layer so far.)

That is all I will share. Thank you for your attention.


  1. Take a look at this guy's work. It has been an inspiration for myself when making pixel art. I think you'll enjoy it, and it may help you develop a distinct style. :)

  2. Since I grew up playing seriously old-school video games, I love this stuff. You'll have to let me try your game when you get it finished.
